Monday, March 30, 2009

Being a freak isn't an occupation

and Southwestern seems to be a fucking breeding ground for these assholes. There's this one asswipe who i'm SURE is a fucking art major because only an art major would be a big enough asshole or maybe even some sort of political whore since they're all assholes too. ANYWAY, this douche bag walks around with a big ass trench coat, his hair "mysteriously" in his face's the real kicker....a FUCKING DOG COLLAR around his neck. yes. you read right. this ass muncher wears a dog collar. to school. i'm sure this asshole also sits around with this other dick slapping friends to talk about how the government is "unfair" and how 9/11 was an inside job and how we're all mindless drones and they're the only enlightened ones. I'm sure his dog collar represents the oppression of the people by the government and how they keep us on leashes. He probably also walks around "mysteriously" trying to scare people. First of all, retarded "goths" make me laugh. cut your hair, pussy. and yeah try to get the devil to take me i'll beat his ass and rape his face before he can even touch me then i'll go over to your place where i'll bitch slap the taste out of your mouth for wasting my time. God. i hate people.

Monday, March 23, 2009

i finally got a zune

i can block out everyone on the bus

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

i hate

Crowded busses
People in class who correct the professor
People in class who have the constant need to share a life experience and relate it to the topic
Old people (seriously where the fuck are they going so early in the morning? they just sit there and stink up the bus and mad dog me fuck there must be a diaper giveaway somewhere)
Fuckers on their nextels that "CHIIIRP" every 3 seconds and have a loud conversations
Black History Month
Women's History Month
Miley Cyrus
Selena Gomez
The Jonas Brothers
Metal bands
Metal band names
My Classmates
My graduating class
Mouth Breathers
Facebook (it's the face of all that is evil)
Kentucky Fried Chicken
emo kids
scene kids
(more to be added later)