Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thinking back on 2007, i realize that it was a pretty cool year. Not because there was a wii shortage and there were idiots huddled outside stores for a damn console with bullshit games (wii fit? REALLY?) but because we could open up a book, a magazine, turn on our television, take out our tampons and not be bombarded with what now is causing my blood to boil.

A vampire as imagined by the 15 year old goth in your high school math class

Everywhere i turn in 2009, i'm constantly being fucked in the ass by vampires. if it isn't edward, it's one of those douches from True Blood or someone from vampire diaries or some other bullshit generic vampire crap that's being churned out by Hollywood. It's like everytime a hollywood producer shits, it has to do with a vampire.

This film was a fucking flop! i see trends like this: there's a bunch of idiots sitting around in a room, one idiot comes out with an idea (wearing shit on his face) and makes it popular amongst everyone who in turn wear brown shit on their face. Idiot #2 decides he wants to wear blue shit and Idiot #3 decides to wear green shit, sure they both have their own legion of idiots following them but none will be as popular as the brown shit. No matter what different colors, at the end of the day you're still wearing shit on your face. Everyone is trying to make money off of the damn vampire trend but yet they forget about QUALITY and churn out whatever steaming pile of shit comes along.

One of the morons from True Blood said that Edward Cullen was like the Diet Coke of the vampires. i agree. hell, if i were to compare vampires to sodas it'd be something like this:

God Tier (Pepsi)-Nosferatu
Good Tier (Coke)- Dracula, Lestat (Interview with a Vampire)
Shit no one really likes Tier (diet coke)- Edward Cullen
Shit cheapskates buy because it's always on sale (Rite Soda) - Idiots from True Blood