Friday, April 24, 2009
the swine flu
is a crock of shit. There's people in mexico wearing surgical masks and walking around because they're afraid to catch a flu. I've been reading that there's a possibility that the USA-Mexico border will be shut down. Seriously, what kind of nation of pussies have we become where we go and run from a fucking flu? fuck the flu! I also read on CNN that 20 people in mexico have died so far. wow. 20 fucking people. 14,500 people died from AIDS in 2007 alone and we see flu as the fucking pandemic? The icing on the fucking cake was when fox news said that people are showing symptoms in Europe. fucking Europe where they possibly don't even have access to this virus and now people over there are shitting bricks. Personally, i don't but into this mass hysteria bullshit and neither should you. why? because when you boil it down, that's all it is. mass hysteria. A few people got sick with the flu, and everyone takes it as if it was the black death then some asshole in France is eating is baguette when suddenly he coughs and says "oui oui!! i haz zee zzwine flu!!" then everyone around him starts getting the runny shits. Next thing you know, all borders are closed and we're all quarantined. Thank god this shit isn't going down in africa because Bono would've been all over this shit, fucking organizing concerts where he doesn't actually help or give money and instead "raises awareness". So calm the fuck down people and just remember SARS, anthrax, and the bird flu (and Y2K and the fucking conficker virus). It was all a bunch of overblown bullshit. or maybe God likes to play Pandemic.
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