Thursday, February 26, 2009

who the fuck comes up with these ridiculous fucking myspace features? I get about 5 app invites fucking DAILY from all these assholes asking me to join their coven or pet their cat or some shit. listen, dirt bag, i'm not adding the app. I'm not going to play poker with you shit face. I tried going on my aunt's myspace just to say hi her fucking page CRASHED MY BROWSER. fucking shit now there's a new feature that lets you see your friend's past updates. I really don't a fuck if you ate at 3 and took a massive dump at 5. Also, you fucking morons STOP REPLACING YOUR NAMES WITH IDIOTIC SONGS LYRICS. I'm trying to search for Pepe Gonzalez. i should be able to type in his name (or cock mongler) and find him, not "Please don't worry too much
It only hurts when I breathe
" goddamn it fucking loser you're not poetic you piece of shit. It also makes my blood boil when a profile is set to private and the moron's profile has this under their headline: . Listen, you waste of space, no one is trying to stalk you and no one gives a fuck. It's just myspace you fucking idiot what's the point of having one if it's going to be private. assface.

Speaking of things that piss me off, today i was on the bus and as always it was stuffed up the ass with smelly gross people and this two bitches get one with 2 kids and a big ass fucking stroller. anyway, barf bag #1 starts fucking crying really loud. the mom, being one of those stupid moms, says "Tommy, tommy, stop crying. Stop crying tommmy." and then barf bag #2 drops her fucking ball and starts yelling "MY BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL" and starts crying too. fucking shit. If they were my kids i'd wait til i got home and smack the living shit out the little shits for embarrasing me and ruining my day. if your children aren't disciplined enough to behave in the fucking bus, you have failed as a parent and your children should be taken away and used as cheap labor. We'd save the government money and with this recession, we really need it.

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